...We’re here for you

How it works?

  1. In the beginning you are in crisis. Crisis does not just mean suicidal thoughts. A crisis is any painful emotional condition and anytime you need support. So, you text us at here.
Your first message can be anything.
  1.  The first message will be sent to you automatically. The first message tells you that you will contact a crisis counselor and asks you to explain a little more about your crisis.
Our crisis counselors are trained volunteers, they support you, but they do not give medical advice.
  1. You will usually be connected to a crisis counselor within few minutes. (It may take a little longer during high-traffic times.)
When you contact a crisis counselor, he or she will introduce himself or herself first, and invite you to open up the matter with him/ her.
  1. You’ll then text back and forth with the Crisis Counselor. You never have to share what you do not want.
The crisis counselor helps you to organize your thoughts and feelings by asking questions, empathizing and actively listening.
  1. The conversation usually ends when you and the crisis counselor both feel that the situation is calm and that you are in a safe place.
After the conversation, you will receive a survey about the experience of talking with our crisis counselor, which will help us to support you and others, you can complete it if you want.
  1. The purpose of the conversation is to calm you down and get you to a safe place.
Sometimes it means referring you for more help, and sometimes it just means being there and listening to you. Each conversation usually takes between 15 and 45 minutes.

How it works?


You are not alone, we are here to listen.

We are a national charity providing all Iranians experiencing distress 24/7 access to crisis counselors.



ورود | ثبت نام
شماره موبایل یا پست الکترونیک خود را وارد کنید
کد تایید را وارد کنید
کد تایید برای شماره موبایل شما ارسال گردید
ارسال مجدد کد تا دیگر
رمز عبور را وارد کنید
رمز عبور حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید
رمز عبور را وارد کنید
رمز عبور حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید
درخواست بازیابی رمز عبور
لطفاً پست الکترونیک یا موبایل خود را وارد نمایید
کد تایید را وارد کنید
کد تایید برای شماره موبایل شما ارسال گردید
ارسال مجدد کد تا دیگر
ایمیل بازیابی ارسال شد!
لطفاً به صندوق الکترونیکی خود مراجعه کرده و بر روی لینک ارسال شده کلیک نمایید.
تغییر رمز عبور
یک رمز عبور برای اکانت خود تنظیم کنید
تغییر رمز با موفقیت انجام شد